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What is POPin and how does it work?

Help POPin participants get started with this 101 level article.

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Written by POPin
Updated over 2 years ago

What is POPin?

POPin is a web-based app that allows leaders and changemakers to solicit honest input and feedback from others. This can be done by asking you to:

  • Answer an open-ended question (e.g., What's ONE thing we should STOP doing so we can minimize stress and improve productivity?)

  • Complete a survey—POPin style (e.g., Yes/No: Should we continue the work from home option? Post & vote on comments to support your answer!)

  • Evaluate something ( e.g., scorecard vendors, prioritize system enhancements, or prioritize strategic initiatives).

And this can all be done in an anonymous forum, because let’s be blunt … communicating the truth can be tricky! (Note: Your organization's session Creator(s) may choose to run a 'named' session, but this is not the default setting. Check out our Is POPin really anonymous? article for more info on that topic.)

Because soliciting input and feedback can be time consuming and complicated based on team dynamics, size, and work location(s), POPin was developed to offer a safe, efficient way for team members to speak up, expose confusion, and build alignment with one another so their collective voice could be heard.

How to participate in a POPin session.

Watch this video tutorial to get started!

  1. When someone invites you to participate in a POPin, that session Creator will share a link with you. Click that link.

    Please note: Your organization's POPin Administrator and session Creator(s) may have turned on settings that impact your log in experience. For example, you may be asked to enter your email address and then verify that address; you may get a pop-up message about POPin code of conduct, or you might bypass all of those steps and pop right in to the session!

  2. Observe the details of the session so you can provide useful input/feedback. For example: When does the session end; how long do you have to participate? Is there a video or image attached to augment the question presented? Will posting be anonymous or has the session Creator made this a named session? Has anyone else responded yet ... if so, what did they say?

  3. If someone submitted an answer that represents your thoughts, give it a thumbs up. If you disagree with someone's answer ... give it a thumbs down. This is how the session Creator will determine what matters the most to the team!!! If you want to clarify or add to someone's answer after you give it a vote, comment on their post.

  4. If you don't see a comment that represents your thoughts: Add a new Post. You can attach an image or PDF to provide supporting info, if needed.

  5. Before the session ends, be sure to check in multiple times to vote and comment on other people's Posts. This is the magic of POPin because it allows for teams to build alignment on important topics—without being in meetings.

Use the live Help chat to contact our Client Success Team if you'd like additional support on any of these topics.

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