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Strategy: Organizational Alignment

Use this recipe of POPin sessions to unite multiple departments on a given strategy.

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Written by POPin
Updated over 2 years ago

Strategy development is one thing. Getting the adoption that's needed for success is a completely different animal.

For a plan of action to become reality with attached results: We need the understanding and buy-in from the teams whom will be impacted. POPin can help you surface issues, create clarity, and share the authorship on how to roll things out effectively. And these activities all lead to buy-in ... which leads to adoption!

Use the below detail to guide your POPin session Titles and Questions.


Start by defining and documenting the strategy you'd like to put into action. Spend time performing a 'stakeholder analysis'—where you identify all departments that will be impacted in some way, shape, or form by this organizational change. Share initial communications about the strategy with those impacted departments.


Session 1: Providing Clarity

Now that you've heard about our [insert name of strategy]: What questions do you have/what is unclear?

Tip: You can attach a PDF document to this session if you want to give participants a quick reference to your 'strategy on a page.'


No sessions launched. Via email and/or meeting, address top questions surfaced in week one. Start with gratitude for the willingness people had to participate and reinforce how helpful it is to understand where (your) communication gaps might be causing confusion versus clarity.


Session 2: Enabling Our Strategy

Now that you've learned more about what we're trying to accomplish with our [insert name of strategy], please answer this: What's the most important thing we must do to enable success and why?


No sessions launched. Analyze the results of session 2 and establish a plan to implement the top idea(s).


Session 3: Surfacing Obstacles

Now that you've learned more about what we're trying to accomplish with our [insert name of strategy], please answer this: What's the biggest fear you have around implementing this organizational change?


No sessions launched. Assess responses from week five. Use the input gathered for your plan and determine questions for week seven.


This question moves away from crowdsourcing ... and towards crowdsolving!

Session 4: Share the How

Do a “Share the How” session on an item identified in session 3 of this recipe. (e.g., "Most of you said that you are fearful you won't be able to 'X' once we roll out our [insert name of strategy]. What's one thing we should do to mitigate this risk?")

Tip: Based on session 3 participation, you may want to run multiple 'Share the How' sessions to crowdsolve major fears (a.k.a. risks) of impacted stakeholders.


No sessions launched. Use the input and feedback gathered from the 'Share the How' sessions to bulletproof your plan.

Ideas turn into reality when leaders do the hard work of wrestling issues to the ground. Be sure to not shy away from lively discussion around your big strategic topics or move on to implementation too early for the sake of time. While this recipe gets you started with four sessions, we'd suggest you use POPin to 'pulse check' your team consistently as you unite your organization.

Use the live Help chat to contact our Client Success Team if you'd like help executing this Success Recipe.

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