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Culture: Communication is King

Use this recipe of POPin sessions to connect employees with the information they want and need!

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Written by POPin
Updated over 2 years ago

“The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought and attended to my answer.” —Henry David Thoreau

No one aspires to be a poor communicator, and just about everyone thinks they’re an attentive listener. However, in most organizations, leaders and team members alike believe their work environment is cluttered with ineffective communications. POPin gives leaders and changemakers the ability to have a dynamic and actionable conversation with a group of people—despite the size of that group or their work location(s)!

Use the below detail to guide your POPin session Titles and Questions.


Session 1: Missing Content

What’s one thing you don’t know about our organization that you would like to know?


No sessions launched. Via email or team meeting, address the top answer surfaced in week one.


Session 2: Improvement Ideas

If you could change one thing to improve communications in our organization, what would it be and why?


No sessions launched. Assess responses from week three and determine questions for week five.


The questions in week five move away from crowdsourcing ... and towards crowdsolving!

Session 3: Share the How

Do a “Share the How” session on an issue identified in session 1 of this recipe. (e.g., "Most of you said you didn't know how our customers made buying decisions about our services: What's the most effective way to share this information with all levels of the organization?")

Session 4: Share the How

Do a “Share the How” session on an issue identified in session 2 of this recipe. (e.g., "Most of you said you you'd like more frequent feedback about your performance from your manager. Based on your experience, what's the most effective way to address this request?")


No sessions launched. Now that you have prioritized results in view, action plan only the top answers you heard from the sessions above. Be sure to tie your actions back to the language used in POPin (e.g., "We are doing X because we heard you say Y was most important to you!").


Session 5: Grade Our Progress

We’ve been working to improve our communications by addressing the top-voted responses from our recent POPins. Tell us: What’s one thing you’ve noticed about these efforts? (Good or bad!)

With SO much emphasis on creating transparency, it’s easy to forget the need for listening. However, it is the leaders who consistently encourage feedback and provide demonstrable action because of what’s heard that win the trust of team members. And when this happens … it’s a recipe for great culture! So, rinse and repeat this recipe—quarterly, if possible.

Use the live Help chat to contact our Client Success Team if you'd like help executing this Success Recipe.

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